Gentle Cowboy is a vegan clothing store that sells cowboy hats and boots. The target audience is adults from 20 to 65 years old looking for cruelty-free western-wear alternatives. The goal for the branding is to achieve a western feel without being cheesy, and emphasizing the store’s focus on finding kind clothing solutions. Additionally, a primary focus for this project is creating a digital store experience through app and web because of limited in-person shopping due to Covid-19.
Instead of choosing an overused cowboy motif like a cow for the logo, I chose a rabbit since it’s the symbol for cruelty-free. I used stitching details in the logo and throughout the work to emphasize the clothing aspect. The website provides a clean, organized way for customers to purchase online, and also features an about page that highlights their work on making vegan options more available. The app guides the customer from screen to screen crafting their perfect hat, then lets the user activate their camera and virtually try it on. They can then save the hat to their favorites tab for later or immediately purchase it.